30 november 2021
Pupjes Polen
Terwijl HKH Freyja II en Twirre uit logeren gaan in Friesland, starten wij met de camper een rondreis via Brabant naar België, terug naar Brabant en vandaaruit rechtstreeks naar Polen.
First our pups in Poland… What a nice trip we had, we stayed for five days with our friends and breeders Gosia and Robert and their family. Oh oh oh, how they spoiled us! Thank you so much! We also met Mariusz and his wife and Magda Stach and her family(both also breeders of the Icelandic sheepdog), who invted us to have a breakfast at their place and going on a tour around Kadizs, where they live. We had a really marvelous time in Poland.
Our Loki is the pretty proud father. And Polish beauty Dokka the mother.
They all found their forever new homes!
Little pretty Falda. Falda is going to live in Iceland and all the others stay in Poland.
Falda with Fjör. And Fjör solo.
Flibbi, our fluffie favorite!
Photomodel Floki
Always moving and willing to come and give a little show, Flugar!
Always moving and willing to come and give a little show, Flugar!
Freyja, (who stays with the breeders Gosia and Robert in Poland) solo and together with her brother Floki.
Frida, pretty sweettie.
And some nice making-off photo’s with Julia, Finkie and myself. And as you can see it was not easy!
For shure we are coming back one day and you all are very welcome to come to Holland again and stay with us, so we can spoil you also! HugsHugsHugs to the children! And to Dokka and Asti.
A collage from our tour through Kadizs and the lovely visit at Magda’s home.
Loki loves Dokka! Dokka is family of our Miss Bera and the pups belong also to the green Meankinship group(Dogs Global) The pups do not have only a low meankinship, but also a nice low inbreeding.
(16.47 %, are calculated over all generations) Its makes us proud that this combination contributes to diversity, to keep this wonderfull breed healthy in the future.
Asti and Dokka